
Strat Salvage (part 2)

I left the last Strat Salvage report with body cracks well glued and the makeshift clamp still in place. The next thing to do then was to remove those veneers (front and back). I read that Fender use/d them to help with finish consistency, especially when using a partially transparent finish such as the case […]

“Jerry Garcia” Guitar Re-Build (part 3)

I wouldn’t go so far as to suggest that this build/re-build/repair/re-imagine has taken a turn in direction, but certainly the process has taken on a life of its own. I let it direct me now, rather than the other way around. The last post was a rambling catch-up post, which saw me trying to establish […]

“Jerry Garcia” Guitar Re-Build (part 2)

Three months have elapsed since I last did any work on this guitar, three months of programming and electronics and writing technical essays. I can say with all sincerity that I cannot remember where I got up to with this project. As such, this is a kind of update report, and maybe during the process […]

Strat Salvage (part 1)

My friend and musical comrade @misterrascal arrived at my place a couple of weeks ago with a 1985(ish) Japanese Fender Strat in tow that he’d used a little too freely onstage over the last few years. A further slight knock and the body would’ve split in two – that’s not an exaggeration – there was […]

“Jerry Garcia” Guitar Re-Build (part 1)

I’ve always freely admitted to taking a long time to complete projects. This was my first attempt at a guitar, started during my first university holiday in 2001, and… I sort of finished it. But not really. Impatience, poor material choices (aside from the lovely chunk of mahogany) and low standards all conspired to create […]